Why enroll a student?
“Big Brothers Big Sisters helps children feel connected, loved, and provides someone who is a security for their needs." - 2nd Grade Teacher, Marshalltown School District
Big Brothers Big Sisters' mission is to develop and grow an individual child through one-on-one mentoring. Sometimes a child might need a little more attention or be exposed to a more positive home experience. Research from Big Brothers Big Sisters of America shows that, Big Brothers Big Sisters relationships:
There is no cost associated to enrolling a little, nor is there a cost for being in the program. Depending on the type of program your child is enrolled the time your child spends with a mentor are varied. For more information contact the Heart of Iowa BBBS office at 641-753-6370, or email [email protected].
- Increases the self-esteem of young people
- Increases student academic success
- Increases positive social interactions
- Reduces the risk that young people will use illegal drugs
- Reduces the risk that youth will use alcohol
- Reduces the risk that student will skip school
There is no cost associated to enrolling a little, nor is there a cost for being in the program. Depending on the type of program your child is enrolled the time your child spends with a mentor are varied. For more information contact the Heart of Iowa BBBS office at 641-753-6370, or email [email protected].
Heart of Iowa Big Brothers Big Sisters offers two different programs to connect students to adult mentors.
Community-Based Program - Community Based matches meet on weekends and throughout the week doing fun things like watching sporting events, volunteering, or walking in the park. In addition, support with school projects and other extra-curricular activities becomes a large part of each relationship. Community Based “Bigs” must be at least 18 years of age.
School-Based Program - School Based matches spend time at school for 45 minutes or so each week playing educational games, reading together or just talking about what’s on the child’s mind. School-Based “Bigs” must be at least 16 years of age. We work with Marshalltown, West Marshall, and BC-LUW school districts.
Community-Based Program - Community Based matches meet on weekends and throughout the week doing fun things like watching sporting events, volunteering, or walking in the park. In addition, support with school projects and other extra-curricular activities becomes a large part of each relationship. Community Based “Bigs” must be at least 18 years of age.
School-Based Program - School Based matches spend time at school for 45 minutes or so each week playing educational games, reading together or just talking about what’s on the child’s mind. School-Based “Bigs” must be at least 16 years of age. We work with Marshalltown, West Marshall, and BC-LUW school districts.